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November Gardening Jobs

Writer's picture: Debi HollandDebi Holland

  • Ensure all tender plants are kept frost-free in a greenhouse, conservatory. cold frame or windowsill.

  • You may need to fleece terracotta pots and half hardy plants to help them make it through winter.

  • Move pots near a wall and group together. This will help keep the temperature up, like a mini microclimate. It is surprising how much heat is retained in building brickwork.

  • Ensure containers do not become water logged; raise off ground with pot ‘feet.’

  • Plant tulip bulbs. Keep your garden scheme flexible by planting in pots so you can move them around.

  • Reduce Buddleja davidii and Lavatera (tree mallow) by half to prevent wind rock; otherwise strong winds could break long stems.

  • Lightly prune roses to help prevent wind rock.

  • Prune climbing roses if not already done so.

  • Plant out winter / spring bedding such as primulas, pansies and violas.

  • Plant bare-root shrubs, roses, trees and hedging.

  • Prune fruit bushes (currants / gooseberries) once dormant.

  • Harvest pumpkins and squash which were not carved up for Halloween.

  • If not already done so, lift dahlia tubers, begonias and gladiolus corms and store over winter.

  • Ideal time to plant strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes.

  • Prune Acer palmatum from November to January when dormant. Do not prune earlier as stems bleed.

  • Apple and pear trees can be pruned from now until February once the trees are dormant. Do not prune plum as they are susceptible to silver leaf until around June time.

  • Clear out the greenhouse to avoid over wintering bugs finding a haven.

  • Keep sowing cut and come again salad and herbs under cover.

  • Keep an eye on stored fruit. Remove and compost any rotten.

  • Check for hibernating wildlife if you are lighting a bonfire.

  • Help birds in the forthcoming winter months by leaving out seeds and water.

  • Generally ensure soil / base of plants are tidy of dead leaves and plant materials to minimalise the spread of fungal diseases. This breaks the lifecycle of diseases such as black spot returning to the soil.

  • Collect old ‘healthy’ leaves in bin bags to make leaf mould.

  • Sow sweetpeas under cover for next year.

Sow sweetpea seeds undercover for winter

  • If you have not already done so then it is time to wrap up your Dicksonia antarctica, Tasmanian Tree Fern to protect from the elements. Carefully fold the fronds over each other so they form a protective blanket over the crown; then wrap in horticulture fleece; cover the entire tree and pull cover down to pot rim. Secure at a few points so the cover survives all that winter throws at it. Rainwater will still be able to penetrate the fleece to keep your tree fern hydrated but frost free.

  • Take stock of successes and failures this year and commence planning next year. Always good to put pen to paper and draw your garden, planting scheme and future potential developments. Browse seed catalogues, magazines and nurseries for ideas.

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